What do I need to have prepared for online check-in?

I thought i saw this somewhere but can't put my finger on it... are "passport style" pics allowed? We have a few leftover from our last passport update that are not the exact ones on the passport but close. TIA
I thought i saw this somewhere but can't put my finger on it... are "passport style" pics allowed? We have a few leftover from our last passport update that are not the exact ones on the passport but close. TIA
Yes. They cannot be the same as your passport picture, but the ID photo is supposed to be a similar style to a passport photo so that should work.
You cannot do this anymore. You have to go through all the steps before you can submit a PAT. You'll have to upload pictures and passport/citizenship info for each person. You can put cash for the onboard account and put driving to port to save time (you can go back and update both later). But you won't be able to just skip through everything and go right to PAT, you'll have to enter/do at least something for each step.
The above is the key. Use cash for payment and put in driving to port. Update later.
**If your photo isnt right, you can save and keep going and go back later to fix it after you have your PAT. If DCL doesn't like your photo, they send you an email and you get a chance to fix it then, too.
**When taking the passport photo, make sure it includes the entire series of letters/numbers on the code at the very bottom since that is what is scanned to auto populate. The easiest thing to do is make sure that all edges of the passport are in the photo. You do not need the signature page.


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