How many more days until your trip to WDW - Part 9

Still haven't decided on next year's trip between March or April. However, DH has been talking about going in December again. It's funny because I was always the Disney fanatic but I've converted him! Our possible December countdown is: 178!
We've always had good luck in April. After Easter, the crowds seem thinner, and the flowers in EPCOT are at their peak.
We've always had good luck in April. After Easter, the crowds seem thinner, and the flowers in EPCOT are at their peak.
I agree! April is our favorite time to go too. The problem next year is Easter is late (April 20th) and we plan to go for a whole month. We need to be back in Mass by mid-May so DH can start his garden. So our options are either going March 14-April 12 and coming home in time for Easter or going Apr. 2 to May 4. My preference is the April trip. Other than the week leading up to Easter I think crowds will be better than March and that last week in April/early May will be great. Prices are cheaper in April too. The only downside to the April trip is that we would miss Easter back home with our boys and my parents. One son is perfectly fine with that and plans to join us for that last week in April/early May part, if we go then. The other son thinks "it's weird" we would spend Easter away. Haven't mentioned it to my parents yet but knowing them they'd say "go have fun and we can get together when you get back"....I know this is a very tough problem to have for sure! (I bet son #2 would change his tune if Epic Universe was open by then and he could come join us. He's a huge universal fan.)


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